Coastline College Graduation Celebration

Date: 05/31/24

ELP provided audio support and equipment rentals for Coastline College's graduation ceremony, accommodating an audience of approximately two thousand people.

  • 6 QSC K12.2 Speakers

    2 QSC HPR181 Subwoofers

    1 Yamaha MG12XU 12-Channel Mixer

    3 Shure SM58 Wireless Microphones

Coastline College graduation speaker rental
Coastline College graduation audio rental

On stage, we set up a combination of wired and wireless microphones to ensure optimal sound quality for the main announcer and the individual name announcements. We deployed PA speakers at the stage to project sound across the venue. Recognizing the size of the audience, we strategically placed QSC speakers throughout the seating area to extend the sound further back, ensuring clear and consistent audio coverage for every attendee.

Coastline College graduation AV rental

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Cal State Los Angeles Cultural Graduation Celebration