AV Fails and Logistical Blunders: The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Influencer Event Disasters

In recent years, influencer events have become an increasingly popular marketing strategy for brands looking to increase their reach and engagement on social media. However, these events can be challenging to plan and execute, and sometimes things can go wrong, resulting in AV failures and logistical blunders. To help avoid these disasters, this guide will look at real influencer events that have gone awry and provide valuable insights and tips on how to plan and execute a successful influencer event, from choosing the right venue and AV equipment to managing logistics and contingency planning.


In 2018, YouTuber Tana Mongeau organized a convention for her fans after being excluded from VidCon. Taking place in Anaheim, CA, the event was promoted as a rival to VidCon and expected to be a massive success. However, given the short turnaround, numerous AV mishaps, and other logistical issues, the event quickly turned into a disaster. Some of the TanaCons AV mishaps and technical difficulties included:

  • Overcrowding: The venue was not equipped to handle the number of attendees that showed up, resulting in chaos and safety concerns. This could have been avoided if the event planners had been smarter about limiting ticketing, given the

  • Poor Sound Quality: The speakers at TanaCon were not properly set up or calibrated, resulting in poor sound quality during the performances and presentations. There were also frequent technical difficulties with microphones and projectors, negatively affecting the attendee experience.

  • Inadequate Lighting: In addition to complications with the sound system, the lighting in the venue was poor, making it difficult for attendees to see what was happening on stage.

  • Lack of Planning and Communication: Given the large attendee size, the event was severely understaffed and there weren’t enough staff members to manage the crowds or deal with issues as they arose. Attendees were also left in the dark about what and when events were happening, leading to frustration and confusion. Additionally, some attendees who reported having paid for VIP tickets were never given access to the promised amenities.

Combined with AV mishaps and logistical issues, TanaCon’s poor event execution ultimately led to its cancellation after only one day.

Fyre Festival

In 2017, Fyre Festival was marketed as a luxurious music festival in the Bahamas. The event was promoted by multiple high-profile social media influencers, but when attendees arrived, they found that the event was nothing like what was promised. The festival was plagued by issues such as incomplete construction, lack of food and water, and overall chaos. Some of the Fyre Festival fails included:

  • Poor preparation and poor communication: The organizers of the festival failed to plan effectively for the event, leading to a range of logistical and operational issues. The festival’s production team had only a few weeks to build the festival from scratch, and they were not provided with adequate resources to do so. The festival organizers also failed to communicate with attendees, with many guests left in the dark about important details, such as the location of the event.

  • Inadequate infrastructure: The infrastructure at the festival site was insufficient, with few amenities or facilities available for guests. Festival accommodations were notoriously shoddy, with guests reporting poorly constructed tents and mattresses that were soaked from the rain.

  • Unreliable AV equipment: The AV equipment at the festival was unreliable, with many performances and events experiencing significant technical difficulties. The sound system at the main stage was incomplete and produced poor-quality sound during performances. Additionally, there were issues with the lighting system, which caused delays and made it difficult for attendees to see nighttime performances.

  • Inexperienced staff: The festival staff was inexperienced and ill-equipped to handle the demands of such a large-scale event, resulting in chaos and confusion among guests.


In 2018, BeautyCon was held in New York City and was attended by thousands of beauty influencers and fans. However, the convention has experienced its share of AV and event planning mishaps, including long lines and overcrowding due to poor organization and understaffing.

In 2018, Beautycon LA faced backlash for its lack of diversity and inclusion, as many attendees pointed out the lack of representation for people of color and plus-size individuals. Technical difficulties also plagued the event, with some guests reporting issues with ticket scanning and the Beautycon app crashing.

In 2019, the New York Beautycon was marred by long lines, overcrowding, and understaffing, leading to frustrated attendees and negative feedback on social media. Additionally, some attendees complained of poor sound quality during panel discussions, making it difficult to hear the speakers.

If you’re looking to host an event, influencer or not, and want to avoid these mistakes, we’ve got you covered! With our vetted team of professionals and expansive repository of high-quality AV equipment, we’ll ensure that your movie is a success. Contact us and let’s start planning your perfect event together.


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